Rubric: "1.1.8. Mechanics of a Deformable Solid Body (Physical and Mathematical Sciences)"
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2021-4-1744
A model of constitutive relations for elastic-plastic composites with cubic symmetry of properties is proposed. This class includes a significant number of composite materials: dispersed-reinforced composites, which have an ordered rather than a chaotic reinforcement system, as well as some types of spatially reinforced composites. To build a model of nonlinear constitutive relations, a tensor-symmetry approach was used, based on the spectral expansions of stress and strain tensors, as well as the spectral representation of nonlinear tensor relations between these tensors. The deformation theory of plasticity is considered, for which the tensor-symmetric approach is used, and specific models are proposed for plasticity functions that depend on the spectral invariants of the strain tensor. To determine the model constants, a method is proposed in which these constants are calculated based on the approximation of deformation curves obtained by direct numerical solution of three-dimensional problems on the periodicity cell of elastic-plastic composites. These problems arise in the method of asymptotic averaging of periodic media. To solve problems on a periodicity cell, a finite element method and special software was used that implements solutions to problems on periodicity cells, developed at the Scientific and Educational Center for Supercomputer Engineering Modeling and Development of Software Packages of Bauman Moscow State Technical University. An example of calculating the constants of a composite model using the proposed method for a dispersed-reinforced composite based on a metal matrix is considered. Also, the verification of the proposed model for various ways of multiaxial loading of the composite was carried out with direct numerical simulation. It is shown that the proposed microstructural model and the algorithm for determining its constants provide a sufficiently high accuracy in predicting the elastic-plastic deformation of the composite.
Димитриенко Ю.И., Сборщиков С.В., Димитриенко А.Ю., Юрин Ю.В. Микроструктурная модель деформационной теории пластичности квази-изотропных композиционных материалов. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2021, № 4, с. 17–44.
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2021-3-323
This paper presents the mathematical formulation and the results of calculations of the problem of metal deformation on a casting-forging module with modified side strikers’ drive. A complex spatial problem of determination the stress-strain state of the flow region under loading with an external load that changes over time is considered. The fundamental equations are based on flow theory. At solving the problem, a proven numerical method is used, as well as numerical schemes and the software package used earlier at solving similar problems. The software package implements a step-by-step loading algorithm considering the history of the process and the changing geometry of the flow region. A small time step is associated with a 10° rotation of the eccentric shaft. The deformation area is divided into elements by an orthogonal system of surfaces (elements have an orthogonal shape). For each element, the formulated system of equations is written in a difference form, which is solved according to the developed numerical schemes and algorithms, that consider the initial and boundary conditions. The result of the solution is the fields of stresses and velocities of displacements in the spatial area. The analysis of the obtained results is given. A comparison with the results of the current structure module solving has been made. Lead is taken as a deformed material, the physical properties of which are approximated by an analytical dependence according to the available experimental data. The physical nonlinearity of the system of equations is realized during solving by the iterative method. Local calculations of the solution of the problem were carried out on three variants of division of the area into elements. The choice of the mesh density imposed on the considered deformation region is substantiated. The solution results are presented graphically. The efficiency of the deformation process according to the improved method on a new design of the casting and forging module is shown.
Одиноков В.И., Дмитриев Э.А., Евстигнеев А.И., Потянихин Д.А., Квашнин А.Е. Математическое моделирование процесса деформации металла на литейно-ковочном модуле с измененным приводом боковых бойков. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2021, № 3, с. 3–23.
539.36 Finite element modeling of natural vibrations of shell structures
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2023-3-317
A numerical algorithm for solving the problem of natural vibrations for thin-walled shell structures based on the finite element method is proposed. A software module has been developed as part of the SMCM software package, which implements the proposed numerical algorithm. A test problem was solved for natural vibrations of a cylindrical shell structural element. A comparative analysis of eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes was carried out with similar results obtained using a two-dimensional shell solution in the ANSYS software package, as well as with the results of solving a three-dimensional problem for natural vibrations in the ANSYS software package.
Димитриенко Ю.И., Юрин Ю.В., Богданов И.О., Маремшаова А.А. Конечно-элементное моделирование собственных колебаний оболочечных конструкций. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2023, № 3, с. 3–17.
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2022-1-4262
When designing products made of composite materials intended for use in difficult conditions of inhomogeneous deformations and temperature, it is important to take into account viscoelastic, including spectral and dynamic, properties of the binder and fillers. The article considers dynamic characteristics (complex modulus, complex malleability,their real and imaginary parts, loss angle tangent) and spectral characteristics of relaxation and creep and their dependence on each other. The characteristics mentioned above were found for all known types of creep kernel and relaxation kernel. To find the spectral characteristics, one of the numerical methods of inverting the Laplace transform was used — the method of quadrature formulas with equal coefficients. Algorithms and computer programs for the implementation of this method have been compiled. The obtained graphs are quite accurate (the maximum error of calculations in the average does not exceed 5%), despite the fact that the error is very noticeable in the initial time segments.
Валишин А.А., Тиняев М.А. Моделирование динамических и спектральных вязкоупругих характеристик материалов на основе численного обращения преобразования Лапласа. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2022, № 1, с. 42–62.
539.3 Modeling the deformation of layered periodic composites based on the theory of plastic flow
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2021-2-1537
The aim of this work is to find the constitutive relations for a layered elastoplastic composite according to the flow theory using the method of asymptotic averaging. This goal is achieved by developing an algorithm for solving the problem of the theory of plastic flow for a layered composite material, taking into account various characteristics and properties of these layers of the material, followed by visualizing the result in the form of effective plasticity diagrams connecting the components of averaged stress tensors and components of averaged strain tensors.
Димитриенко Ю.И., Губарева Е.А., Черкасова М.С. Моделирование деформирования слоистых периодических композитов на основе теории пластического течения. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2021, № 2, с. 15–37.
539.36 Microstructural model anisotropic flow theory for elastic-plastic layered composites
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2022-3-4770
A microstructural model of layered elastic-plastic composites based on the anisotropic flow theory is proposed. The model represents the effective constitutive relations of the transversally isotropic theory of plastic flow, in which the model constants are determined not experimentally, but on the basis of approximations of the deformation curves of composites obtained by direct numerical solution of problems on the periodicity cell for basic loading trajectories, which arise in the method of asymptotic averaging. The problem of identifying the constants of this composite model is formulated; for the numerical solution of this problem, methods of optimizing the error functional are used. The results of numerical simulation by the proposed method for layered elastic-plastic composites are presented, which showed good accuracy of approximation of numerical strain diagrams.
Димитриенко Ю.И., Черкасова М.С., Димитриенко А.Ю. Микроструктурная модель анизотропной теории течения для упруго-пластических слоистых композитов. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2022, № 3, с. 47–70.
539.3 Modeling the bending of beams made of rubber-like materials
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2021-4-316
Since the classical hypotheses of Bernoulli for beams and Kirchhoff for thin plates contradict the additional condition of incompressibility for rubber-like (incompressible) materials (invariability of the volume during deformation), a calculation model for a bending beam is proposed, which does not lead to a serious complication of the problem in comparison with the classical solution. The invariability of the volume is manifested under the action of a power load; in the case of a temperature load, the deformation of the volume change is not zero. The absence of volumetric deformations for rubber-like materials is a consequence of Hooke's law for such materials. Summing the linear deformations expressed in terms of stresses and taking Poisson's ratio 0.5, we obtain the equality of the indicated sum to zero. Many rubber-like materials are incompressible and low-modulus, which means their weak resistance to tension and shear, but the resistance of the material to change in volume tends to infinity, therefore the physical relations of the generalized Hooke's law are transformed into the so-called "neo- Hooke " equations of the relationship between stresses and strains. Of the two independent physical characteristics (modules) for incompressible materials, only one module remains, which characterizes the resistance of the medium to change in shape. In physical relations for an incompressible material, the product of an infinitely large volumetric modulus by the deformation of a change in volume equal to zero is an uncertainty that is replaced by some force function that has the dimension of stresses and is an additional unknown. At the same time, the system of governing equations of the mechanics of incompressible media is supplemented by the equation of invariability of volume. The scheme for solving the problem in displacements for traditional structural materials turns into a mixed scheme for rubber-like materials, since for them not only displacements but also the mentioned force function act as the main unknown sought function.
Фирсанов В.В. Моделирование изгиба балок из резиноподобных материалов. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2021, № 4, с. 3–16.
624.04 A new method for calculating the torsional stiffness of a naturally twisted bar
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2023-1-6480
At the initial stages of designing compressor blades, screws, cutting tools, it is advisable to use a finite element model based on a model of a naturally twisted beam. This model takes into account the influence of the angle of natural twist on the rigidity of the part. The torsional stiffness of a bar significantly affects the stiffness parameters of the finite element model. It is shown that the torsional stiffness correction obtained on the basis of the relations of the technical theory of naturally twisted beams makes it possible to obtain results at small angles of natural twist that are in good agreement with the three-dimensional calculation of a twisted FEM beam. At large specific angles of initial twist, the technical theory gives overestimated values of the torsional stiffness. The article proposes a modification of the relations of the technical theory to determine the torsional rigidity, taking into account large angles of initial twist.
Темис Ю.М., Зиятдинов И.З. Новый метод вычисления жесткости на кручение в модели естественно-закрученного стержня. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2023, No 1, с. 64–80
539.3 Asymptotic theory of thin multilayer micropolar elastic plates
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2023-2-3366
The problem of development of a theory for calculating the stress-strain state of thin multilayer elastic plates in the moment (micropolar) theory, is considered. The solution of this problem is built using an asymptotic analysis of the general equations for a 3-dimensional quasi-static problem of the moment theory of elasticity. The asymptotic analysis is carried out with respect to a small parameter representing the ratio of the plate thickness to its characteristic length. Recurrent formulations of local problems of the moment theory of elasticity are obtained. Explicit analytical solutions are obtained for these problems. The derivation of the averaged system of equations for multilayer plates is presented. It is shown that the asymptotic theory makes it possible to obtain an explicit analytical expression for all 9 components of the stress tensor and the moment stress tensor (in general) in the plate. As a special case, the problem of calculating the stress-strain state of a centrally symmetrical hingedly fixed plate when bending under the action of a uniformly distributed pressure. A complete analytical solution of this problem for all non-zero components of the stress tensor and the moment stress tensor is obtained. A numerical analysis of the solution of the problem for a single layer plate for the stress tensor is carried out, basing on the obtained expressions. A comparative analysis of the obtained results with similar calculations for the classical theory of elasticity is carried out, with revealing of similarities and differences for all components of the stress tensor.
Димитриенко Ю.И., Бойко С.В. Асимптотическая теория многослойных тонких микрополярных упругих пластин. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2023, № 2, с. 33–66.