539.26 Analysis of empirical models of deformation curves of elastoplastic materials (review). Part 1

Belov P. A. (Institute of Applied Mechanics of RAS), Golovina N. Y. (Industrial University of Tyumen)


doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2022-1-6396

The article presents the result the review of works devoted to the research the properties of elastoplastic materials. The article consists of two parts. In the first part, universal single, two- and three-parametric laws describing the nonlinear dependence between the stress and deformation up to the destruction. The review includes: power laws, parabolic laws, exponential laws, harmonic law. A comparison the considered empirical curves with a sample experimental points is carried out by the standard procedure for minimizing the total quadratic deviation and using the method the gradient descent to determine the minimum function of many variables. To assess the predictive force for models on the compliance with the experiment, a representative sample used from 158 experimental points in the deformation curve of the Russian titanium alloy WT6. The analysis showed that the empirical laws of deformation containing less than four formal parameters cannot describe the universal deformation curve with the stress specified at the ends and the tangent module. Analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of existing empirical laws of deformation, made it possible to formulate certain requirements for their wording.

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