General requirements

To submit a manuscript you can use:

- simple article submission form;

- e-mail

If the manuscript does not meet the requirements for registration, it is returned to the author.

Published articles can be found at archive issues of the journal.

Requirements to the submission and processing of manuscripts:

To publish an article, authors should submit the following materials to the editor:

1. Text of the article, submitted in a single file format MS Word (.docx), containing figures, figure captions, tables, references. Name fale – « NameAuthor1_ NameAuthor2_ NameAuthor3».

2. Copyright application

3. Direction from the organization to the Editor – In – Chief of the journal presented on the form of the organization-for third-party authors; an extract from the minutes of the Department or scientific unit-for BMSTU).

4. Expert opinion on the possibility of publication of the manuscript in the media.

5. All documents must be submitted to the editorial office in two versions – electronic (scanned signed original documents) and paper. The signed originals of the documents are provided to the editorial office of the journal (for third-party authors-by postal mail: 105005, Moscow, 2nd Baumanskaya st., 5/1, editorial office of the journal "Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Methods", Dimitrienko Yu.I.)

The editors will not accept paper versions of the texts of articles without an electronic copy.

Making provided materials

You can use this template to design the manuscript.

1. The volume of the manuscript (including illustrations, figure captions, tables, references) should not exceed 1.5 printed pages (24 pages and 8 figures). Tables should not occupy more than 20% of the total volume of the manuscript. The recommended number of authors should not exceed 5-6 with the exception of situations when the results of large-scale scientific research are described in the presented article. The volume of the review article may exceed 1.5 printed pages, the list of references in this case should be at least 30 items.

2. In case of submission of two or more manuscripts, the authors indicate the order of their publication.

3. The articles published in the journal consist of the following elements (in this order they should be placed in the author's file with the text of the manuscript):

  • index of Universal Decimal Classification (UDC);
  • header (title) of the article (in Russian);
  • initials and names of authors (in Russian);
  • the name of the institutions in which they work (in Russian);
  • summary (in Russian);
  • keywords (in Russian);
  • text Article (in Russian);
  • bibliographic list (in Russian);
  • information about the authors (in Russian);
  • header (title) Article (in English);
  • initials and names of authors (in English);
  • the name of the institutions in which they work (in English);
  • summary (in English);
  • keywords (in English);
  • text of the article (in English) if one can be provided by the authors;
  • bibliographic list (in English);
  • information about authors including e-mail addresses (in English).

4. Rules of manuscript preparation.

The elements of the article should be designed in accordance with the following requirements:

4.1. The article begins with the UDC index. Font size - 12 pt, left alignment.

4.2. The title of the article, which is written in bold 14 pt, should clearly reflect its content. It is not allowed that the title consists of several sentences. The title of the article should also not contain mathematical and chemical formulas, letters of alphabets other than Russian and Latin, as well as abbreviations, except common ones.

4.3. Initials and surnames of authors in font of 12 pt. Authors are separated by commas. Before the names of the authors put the copyright symbol and after the last name of each author, a footnote indicating the author's place of work.

4.4. Decoding of footnotes made by the font of 10 pt, including the full name of the organization, its address, zip code, country. Please note that this information must fully coincide with the information posted on the official website of the organization.

Title, list of authors and list of institutions are separated by empty lines and aligned in the center.

4.5. The abstract should briefly describe the subject of the article and the main results contained in it, the volume of the abstract is 200-400 words. Font - italic, font size - 10 pt, justified alignment.

4.6. Keywords (no more than 10). Font face-italic, font size-10 pt, left alignment of the page, keyword separator-comma. Please note that keywords are a list of concepts to search for articles in the information space, and not abstracts or phrases of several words.

4.7. Text of article.

The article should be clearly structured and the sections of the article should be entitled.

Authors should adhere to the following structure of the article:

  • a summary of the state of the issue under consideration and a conceptual statement of the problem to be solved in the article, a brief literary review of the research topic (introduction);
  • mathematical formulation of the problem, accepted assumptions;
  • the main content of the article (for example: a description of the developed mathematical model, the choice of the mathematical method of research, proof of mathematical statements (if any), mathematical calculations and transformations);
  • numerical algorithm for solving the problem, implementing the proposed or selected mathematical model;
  • examples of numerical solution of the problem, graphs and illustrations with the results of the solution;
  • discussion of the results and comparison with previously published ones;
  • conclusions and recommendations.

Margins: top - 4.3 cm, bottom - 4.2 cm, left - 4.15 cm, right - 4.15 cm. Font size 12 pt, line spacing single, paragraph indentation 0.65 cm, page width alignment.

The symbols and abbreviations used in the text should be disclosed when they are first mentioned in the text.

The units of physical quantities used in the article should be included in the International system of units (SI). It is allowed to use units that are allowed to be used along with SI units, as well as multiple and fractional units.

The titles of the sections of the article are typed in bold 13 pt from the beginning of the paragraph and separated from the text by a dot symbol.

All the formulas are in MathType 6.0 and aligned with the center of the page. Formula numbers are placed in brackets on the right. Texts of articles with formulas presented in the form of figures or character sets with inserts of MathType elements are not accepted for publication.

Tables should be located within the working field. When you move a table to another page, you should also move the table title. The table name is aligned to the center of the page, the table number is aligned to the left edge of the page. Tables are numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text. The information presented in the form of charts and graphs should not be duplicated in the form of tables.

Illustrations (figures, diagrams, graphs, photos) are placed within the working field directly in the text of the article, based on the logic of presentation, and numbered in the order of their mention in the text. Illustrations should be clear. It is allowed to use pictures in JPEG, PNG, TIFF formats. The inscriptions on the illustrations should correspond to the text. Each figure should have at least one reference in the text.

Illustrations are also provided as separate files in JPEG, PNG, TIFF formats, the minimum size is 100 by 120 pixels (file names are fig1, fig2, etc.).

Scanned images are not allowed in the text.

Figure captions should contain sufficient information to ensure that the data provided can be understood without reference to the text (if this information is not already given in another illustration). Abbreviations are deciphered in the figure captions, if it was not previously done in the text.

4.8. In the bibliographic list of references sources are arranged in the order of their mention in the article. The serial number of the reference is indicated in the corresponding line of the article text in square brackets. Article bibliographic list is made in accordance with the accepted order in the editorial office, due to the simplification of the search for articles in bibliographic databases and the correctness of the calculation of scientometric indicators of the authors of publications and the impact factor of the journal.

The names of books, articles, other materials and documents published in a foreign language, as well as the names of their authors should be given in the original transcription. The bibliographic list should not include unpublished materials or materials that are not publicly available. Font size 10 points, page width alignment. If the URL or DOI is used as a bibliographic reference, the author should check the correctness of their writing and the availability of the resource by reference.

The recommended number of bibliographic sources in the article should be at least 15 titles, should include modern journal publications on the topic of the article not earlier than 2005.4.9. Information about authors should be presented in both English and Russian and should include the following facts for each author:

  • full name and surname;
  • year of birth (optional);
  • information about education (optional);
  • degree;
  • academic title;
  • position;
  • place of work;
  • academic status (academician, corresponding member - if any) at the state Academy of Sciences;
  • honorary titles and insignia(optional);
  • description of the field of activity and scientific interests;
  • number of works (optional);
  • SPIN-code, Scopus Author ID, ORCID, Web of Science Researcher ID;
  • contact details with authors (е-mail);
  • photo.

5. The date of receipt of the article is the date of receipt by the editorial office of the full set of documents in electronic form specified in the requirements for articles.

Thank you for your cooperation!