539.26 Analysis of empirical models of deformation curves of elastoplastic materials (review). Part 2

Golovina N. Y. (Industrial University of Tyumen), Belov P. A. (Institute of Applied Mechanics of RAS)


doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2022-2-1427

This article is a continuation of the review of works devoted to the study of the properties of elastic-plastic materials. In the first part, universal laws of deformation containing less than four formal parameters considered. As result of the review, requirements for the formulation of empirical laws of deformation of elastic-plastic materials formulated.In particular, it concluded that the deformation law must be at least four-parameter. In the second part of this paper, empirical laws of deformation containing four or more parameters considered and analyzed. Comparison of the considered empirical curves with a sample of experimental points carried out according to the standard procedure of minimization of the total quadratic deviation and using the method of gradient descent to determine the minimum of a function of many variables. A representative sample of 158 experimental points of the deformation curve of the Russian titanium alloy VT6 used to evaluate the predictive ability of the models for experimental agreement. Universal empirical strain laws containing four formal parameters allow describing the strain curve with specified stresses and tangential moduli at the ends of the curve. This fact allows us to state that the elastic-plastic properties of materials can expressed through the geometric parameters of the strain curve. In turn, the relationship between the elastic-plastic properties of the material and the geometry of the strain curve can interpreted as the principle of "geometrization" of the elastic-plastic properties of materials.

Golovina N.Ya., Belov P.A. Analysis of empirical models of deformation curves of elastoplastic materials (review). Part 2. Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods, 2022, no. 1, pp. 63–96.
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Головина Н.Я., Белов П.А. Анализ эмпирических моделей кривых деформирования упругопластических материалов (обзор). Часть 2. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2022, № 2, с. 16–29

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