624.04 A new method for calculating the torsional stiffness of a naturally twisted bar

Temis Y. M. (Центральный институт авиационного моторостроения им. П.И. Баранова), Ziyatdinov I. Z. (Центральный институт авиационного моторостроения им. П.И. Баранова)


doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2023-1-6480

At the initial stages of designing compressor blades, screws, cutting tools, it is advisable to use a finite element model based on a model of a naturally twisted beam. This model takes into account the influence of the angle of natural twist on the rigidity of the part. The torsional stiffness of a bar significantly affects the stiffness parameters of the finite element model. It is shown that the torsional stiffness correction obtained on the basis of the relations of the technical theory of naturally twisted beams makes it possible to obtain results at small angles of natural twist that are in good agreement with the three-dimensional calculation of a twisted FEM beam. At large specific angles of initial twist, the technical theory gives overestimated values of the torsional stiffness. The article proposes a modification of the relations of the technical theory to determine the torsional rigidity, taking into account large angles of initial twist.

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