539.36 Microstructural model anisotropic flow theory for elastic-plastic layered composites
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2022-3-4770
A microstructural model of layered elastic-plastic composites based on the anisotropic flow theory is proposed. The model represents the effective constitutive relations of the transversally isotropic theory of plastic flow, in which the model constants are determined not experimentally, but on the basis of approximations of the deformation curves of composites obtained by direct numerical solution of problems on the periodicity cell for basic loading trajectories, which arise in the method of asymptotic averaging. The problem of identifying the constants of this composite model is formulated; for the numerical solution of this problem, methods of optimizing the error functional are used. The results of numerical simulation by the proposed method for layered elastic-plastic composites are presented, which showed good accuracy of approximation of numerical strain diagrams.
Димитриенко Ю.И., Черкасова М.С., Димитриенко А.Ю. Микроструктурная модель анизотропной теории течения для упруго-пластических слоистых композитов. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2022, № 3, с. 47–70.
539.3 Modeling the deformation of layered periodic composites based on the theory of plastic flow
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2021-2-1537
The aim of this work is to find the constitutive relations for a layered elastoplastic composite according to the flow theory using the method of asymptotic averaging. This goal is achieved by developing an algorithm for solving the problem of the theory of plastic flow for a layered composite material, taking into account various characteristics and properties of these layers of the material, followed by visualizing the result in the form of effective plasticity diagrams connecting the components of averaged stress tensors and components of averaged strain tensors.
Димитриенко Ю.И., Губарева Е.А., Черкасова М.С. Моделирование деформирования слоистых периодических композитов на основе теории пластического течения. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2021, № 2, с. 15–37.