Yu. S. Ozhgibisova (Bauman Moscow State Technical University) :


533.6.011.5 Modification of Pohlhausen method for calculating heat transfer on blunt bodies

Kotenev V. P. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Bulgakov V. N. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Ozhgibisova Y. S. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)

doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2016-3-3352

Modification of Pohlhausen method is developed. It allows for quick and effective heat transfer distribution over the blunt body surfaces. Calculations were done. Their results are described in comparison with the numerical solution of a problem within the framework of Navier — Stokes equations.

Kotenev V., Bulgakov V., Ozhgibisova Y. Modification of Pohlhausen method for calculating heat transfer on blunt bodies. Маthematical Modeling and Coтputational Methods, 2016, №3 (11), pp. 33-52