doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2023-4-93108
The application of the generalized expansion of polynomial chaos (PC) and models based on Kolmogorov-Gabor polynomials in regression problems is considered. When choosing PC expansion, the Wiener-Askey scheme was used, which sets the correspondence between the feature distribution law and the orthogonal polynomial basis. To calculate the expansion coefficients, non-intrusive methods were used: least squares, elastic network, as well as Ivakhnenko's inductive evolutionary algorithm. Kolmogorov-Gabor polynomials are used as a reference function of a polynomial neural network. Model errors and performance were calculated on a test set. Models were compared on a linear transport problem under uncertainty: the diffusion coefficient and drift were modeled by uniformly distributed random variables. It is shown that with a small interval of variation in the values of random variables, both models give good efficiency, but the PC model demonstrates a smaller spread of errors and is faster in time. For the de-cay equation with random coefficients distributed according to the Gaussian law, the influence of the correlation of these coefficients on the rate of convergence is studied. It is shown that with dependent coefficients, the best performance is observed in higher-order PC models. On the basis of comparative modeling, it has been established that the use of PC is unambiguously preferable in the following cases: a small dimension of the space of input features, a known law of distribution of input data, and correlated features. It is also shown that the use of PC with a large dimension of the space of input features is inefficient due to the rapid increase in the number of terms in the expansion, leading to a sharp increase in the time to process the task. In this case, the regression model based on the Kolmogorov-Gabor polynomials in combination with the GMDH turned out to be clearly preferable.
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Количество скачиваний: 192