539.3 Modeling of effective elastic–plastic properties of composites under cyclic loading

Dimitrienko Y. I. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Sborschikov S. V. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Yurin Y. V. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)


doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2020-4-326

A method is proposed for calculating the effective elastic–plastic properties of composites under cyclic loading. The technique is based on the application of the method of asymptotic averaging of periodic structures for the case of materials with elastic-plastic properties under cyclic loading. A model of the deformation theory of plasticity by A.A. Il’yushin – V.V. Moskvitin under cyclic loading using the Masing model for changing the plasticity function under cyclic deformation. Local problems of the theory of plasticity for the periodicity cell of a composite material, as well as averaged problems of the theory of anisotropic plasticity under cyclic loading are formulated. A software module has been developed for the finite element solution of local problems on the periodicity cell. The software of the SMCM complex developed at the Scientific and Educational Center "Supercomputer Engineering Modeling and Development of Software Systems" of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University was used. The SMCM complex is designed for finite element modeling of the properties of composite materials. Numerical calculations of the elastic-plastic properties of dispersed-reinforced composites based on an aluminum alloy and SiC ceramic particles have been carried out. Calculations have shown that the developed technique can be used to predict cyclic deformation diagrams of elastic-plastic composites in a wide range of loading conditions, as well as to design new composite materials with specified properties.

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Димитриенко Ю.И., Сборщиков С.В., Юрин Ю.В. Моделирование эффектив-ных упруго–пластических свойств композитов при циклическом нагружении. Ма-тематическое моделирование и численные методы, 2020, № 4, с. 3–26.

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