doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2020-3-2246
The problem of calculating the integral characteristics of the viscoelasticity of composite materials is considered, based on information on similar characteristics of the composite components and its microstructure. An algorithm is proposed for predicting the effective relaxation and creep kernels of composites with an arbitrary reinforcement microstructure. The algorithm is based on the Fourier transform application and the inverse Fourier transform, as well as the method of asymptotic averaging for composites under steady-state polyharmonic vibrations. The algorithm uses exponential relaxation and creep kernels for the initial components of the composite. The basis of the computational procedure of the proposed algorithm is the finite element solution of local viscoelasticity problems over the composite periodicity cell. The result of the algorithm application is the determination of the exponential relaxation and creep kernels parameters for composite materials, which makes it possible to obtain a problem solution in a completely closed form. As an example, a numerical simulation of the viscoelastic-tic characteristics of unidirectionally reinforced carbon /epoxy composites has been carried out. It is shown that the developed algorithm allows one to obtain effective relaxation and creep kernels of the composite with high accuracy, without oscillations, which, as a rule, ac-company the methods of inverting Fourier transforms.
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Количество скачиваний: 590