Roman Aleksandrovich Adamenko () :


533.16 Modeling the chemical composition of a gas in a nonequilibrium air boundary layer on a wall with a finite catalytic activity

Gorskiy V. V. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Adamenko R. A.

doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2018-4-93106

The study of aerothermal destruction of silicon carbide is constantly given increased at-tention. This is primarily due to its widespread use as a protection against oxidation of carbon materials. The rate of aerothermochemical destruction of materials largely de-pends on the specific heat flux and on the degree of recombination of oxygen atoms on the wall. In this paper, we consider a method for solving the complex problem of high-temperature non-equilibrium air stream flowing of a material coated with a silicon car-bide film under conditions of finite catalyticity of the surface of this film.

Горский В.В., Адаменко Р.А. Моделирование химического состава газа в неравновесном воздушном пограничном слое на стенке, обладающей конечной ка-талитической активностью. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2018, № 4, с. 93–106.