doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2017-3-2035
The study introduces a model of elastoplastic deformation of structural alloys under conditions of complex nonisothermal loading. The model is based on the plastic flow theory. Within the research we derived the relations that made it possible to determine the parameters of the model using the results of sample tests according to the program of rigid symmetric cyclic deformation. Moreover, we developed an algorithm for determining the plasticity parameters from a limited set of experimental data. Based on the algorithm developed, we obtained the plasticity parameters for the nickel alloy IN738LC over a wide temperature range.
Temis Yu.M., Khudyakova A.D., Model of non-isothermal elastoplastic deformation of structural materials under complex loading.Маthematical Modeling and Computational Methods, 2017, №3 (15), pp. 20–37
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2018-2-4769
The algorithm of the loading surface equation account during integration of constitutive equations system of invariant nonisothermal plasticity theory, based on returning of a representing point to a loading surface equation on each step of calculation was offered. Efficiency of proposed algorithm in combination with different linearization schemas for number of proportional and nonproportional thermomechanical deformation trajectories was explored. Results of simulation of the processes of tubular nickel-based alloy IN738LC specimens testing under proportional (tension-compression, tension-compression with torsion) and nonproportional («circle» and «diamond» with out-of-phase axis strain and temperature changing) cyclic thermomechanical deformation trajectories in operating-temperature range from 450 to 950°C.
Темис Ю.М., Худякова А.Д. Численное моделирование процессов неизотермического упругопластического деформирования конструкционных материалов. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2018, № 2, с. 47–69.