doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2018-4-2540
This work attempts the construction of a quasi-three-dimensional mathematical model which describes the vibrating combustion mode in a vertical combustion chamber of a regenerative air heater in a blast furnace, considering it as a distributed dynamic system.
Басок Б.И., Гоцуленко В.В. Математическое моделирование режима вибра- ционного горения в распределенной камере горения воздухонагревателя в доменной печи. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2018, № 4, с. 25–40.
534.142:536.24+621.63 Simulation of pressure gas flow self-oscillation excited by heat supply
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2016-4-1733
We obtained a mathematical model for determining the parameters of longitudinal selfoscillations, excited in the pressure gas flow at local flow heat supply. In our research we established that under certain conditions the gas heat supply alters the flow hydraulic characteristics, creating the "negative" resistance effect. In this case, the self-oscillation excitation is possible even with the monotonically decreasing supercharger pressure characteristic.
Basok B., Gotsulenko V. Simulation of pressure gas flow self-oscillation excited by heat supply. Маthematical Modeling and Coтputational Methods, 2016, №4 (12), pp. 17-33