A. A. Krutikov (JSC OKB GIROPRESS,) :


536.2(075) Applying the control−volume method to extended period simulations in pipe network hydraulics

Volkov V. Y. (JSC OKB GIROPRESS,), Golibrodo L. A. (JSC OKB GIROPRESS,), Zorina I. G. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Kudryavtsev O. V. (JSC OKB GIROPRESS,), Krutikov A. A. (JSC OKB GIROPRESS,), Skibin A. A. (JSC OKB GIROPRESS,)

doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2016-4-3446

For modeling piping systems we made a transition from the mass balance equations, based on 1m and 2m Kirchhoff laws, to the mathematical description of a hydraulic network using the continuity equation discretization. For this purpose we applied a controlvolume method. This paper introduces an extension of the developed control-volume method for extended period simulations in hydraulic networks. This extension is developed for slow time-varying conditions in the hydraulic networks and is not intended to calculate rapidly occurring local phenomena such as waterhammer. The control-volume method was successfully applied to test tasks.

Volkov V., Golibrodo L., Zorina I., Kudryavtsev O., Krutikov A., Skibin A. Applying the control−volume method to extended period simulations in pipe network hydraulics. Маthematical Modeling and Coтputational Methods, 2016, №4 (12), pp. 34-46