doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2015-2-322
The article presents a model of microstructure of two-phase monocrystalline intermetallic alloys in the form of a periodic structure of the hexagonal type, as well as a mathematical model of elastic-plastic deformation of monocrystalline alloy, based on the method of asymptotic smoothing periodic structures. Deformation plasticity theory under loading is used for the phases with due regard for the effect of their damage level during loading. For numerical calculations of the developed model the heat-resistant monocrystalline alloy of the type VKNA-1V was used. Finite element calculations of deformation and fracture micromechanical processes in monocrystalline alloy of the type VKNA-1V were carried out. It was found that under tension maximum values of phase damagability, which determine the beginning of the alloy micro-fracture zone, are achieved in the areas adjacent to the phase interface and in areas of maximum curvature of the geometric shape of the phases. Calculations of heat-resistant alloy strain diagrams in plastic range are proved to be consistent with experimental data.
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