doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2024-2-3545
The problems of oscillatory flow of an elastic-viscous fluid in a flat channel for a given harmonic oscillation of fluid flow are solved based on the generalized Maxwell model. The “impedance” function was determined, and with the help of this function the dependence of the hydrodynamic resistance on the dimensionless oscillation frequency was studied for various values of the elastic Deborah number and the concentration of the Newtonian fluid. It is shown that in the oscillatory flow of an elastic-viscous fluid, the hydrodynamic resistance decreases depending on the Deborah number. This effect makes it possible to estimate the hydrodynamic resistance for a given law of change in the longitudinal velocity averaged over the cross section of the channel, with oscillatory flow and, thereby, allows us to determine the dissipation of the energy of the medium, which is important in the regulation of hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
Абдикаримов Н.И., Наврузов К.Н. Математическое моделирование гидродинамических сопротивлений при колебательном течении упруговязкой жидкости в плоском канале. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2024, № 2, с. 35–45.