B. V. Lonkin (Bauman Moscow State Technical University) :


539.3 Modeling polyurethane viscoelasticity at moderately high strain rates

Belkin A. E. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Dashtiev I. Z. (TSNIISM), Lonkin B. V. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)

doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2014-3-3954

The article presents a mathematical model of the viscoelastic behavior of polyurethane SKU-PFL-100 for strain range of 0...30 % and moderately high strain rates up to 10–1. To determine the viscous component of the deformation Bergstrom – Boyce rheological model has been applied. Relationship between stress and the elastic component of deformation is described by an Arruda – Boyce potential. We determined the model parameters using experimental compression diagrams of polyurethane obtained from Instron Electropuls 1000 machine at different strain rates. The model parameter values obtained by minimizing a function of the calculated value deviations from the experimental results are given. It is shown that in the considered range of deformations and strain rates model allows describing the polyurethane behavior with sufficient accuracy for practical purposes. The model is designed for calculating polyurethane shock-absorber parts, cushions, buffers and other structures subjected to dynamic loading.

Belkin A., Dashtiev I., Lonkin B. Modeling polyurethane viscoelasticity at moderately high strain rates. Маthematical Modeling and Coтputational Methods, 2014, №3 (3), pp. 39-54