Sergey Alekseevich Pavlov (Bauman Moscow State Technical University) :


519.6 Agent-based model of cultural interactions on non-metrizable Hausdorff spaces

Belotelov N. V. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University/Institution of Russian Academy of Sciences Dorodnicyn Computing Centre of RAS), Pavlov S. A. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)

doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2021-3-105119

The need to develop formalized computer-oriented approaches to conducting interdisciplinary research of intercultural interactions is an urgent task. The article describes an approach to the development of agent models of intercultural interactions based on the use of non-metrizable Hausdorff spaces using genetic algorithms to introduce dynamic changes in the structure of cultural agents under consideration. The article considers a prototype of an agent model in which the state of agents is described in Hausdorff spaces. Using the choice of reference points for each agent, the Uryson function is built, which allows you to enter the preferences of agents. Further, using the technology of gentic algorithms, it is possible to obtain the clock dynamics of changes in the entire system of agents. The article describes some simulation experiments. Possible prospects for the development of this approach are discussed.

Белотелов Н.В, Павлов С.А. Агентная модель культурных взаимодействий на неметризуемых хаусдорфовых пространствах. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2021, № 3, с. 105–119.