doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2021-1-7790
When solving the tasks of protecting critical objects, the problem of detecting an intruder in a non-deterministic dynamic external environment with the use of standard technical means arises. The article considers a methodological approach to assessing the quality of probabilistic characteristics of intruder detection using optoelectronic means of a robotic complex. Based on the obtained parameters of the statistics of received signals from optoelectronic devices, changes in the values of the probability of detecting an intruder, the values of the detection threshold and the signal-to-noise ratio at different values of the false alarm probability are analyzed.
Пушкарёв Ю.А., Свиридов В.В. Модель оценки качества характеристик робототехнического комплекса для обнаружения нарушителя в лесистой местности. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2021, № 1, с. 77–90.