519.8 Probabilistic model of the battle of two similar combat units against two different types
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2020-2-107116
On the basis of the theory of continuous Markov processes, a model of the battle of two of the same type of combat units of the side against two of different types has been developed. The areas of application of various tactics of fighting by the side are shown. It is established that the use of the correct tactics of combat by a party can significantly increase the probability of preserving its two combat units. The developed battle model can be used to evaluate the combat effectiveness of multi-purpose weapons systems.
Чуев В.Ю., Дубограй И.В., Анисова Т.Л. Вероятностная модель боя двух однотипных боевых единиц против двух разнотипных. Математическое моделирование и численные методы. 2020. № 2. с. 107–116.
519.8 Probability model of meeting an attack of different types of weapon
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2018-1-9097
On the basis of the continuous Markov processes theory we have developed a probabilistic model of the two-way battle of one combat unit against two enemy units of different types. The authors have obtained calculation formulas for computing current and final states under various firing tactics of the unit. We have determined the applicability areas for different combat tactics of the unit. The study shows that the right choice of the firing tactics can considerably increase the probability of the victory in the battle. The developed model of the two-way battle may be used for estimating the combat effectiveness of the multipurpose weaponry units.
Чуев В.Ю., Дубограй И.В., Анисова Т.Л. Вероятностная модель отражения атаки разнотипных средств. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2018, № 1, с. 90-97