A. Abdirashidov (Samarkand State University) :


539.3 Modelling of torsional vibrations of the viscoelastic round bar rotating with the constant angular velocity

Abdirashidov A. (Samarkand State University)

doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2016-1-3851

The purpose of this article is to deduce general and approximate equations for the torsional vibration of the viscoelastic round bar rotating around the symmetry axis with the constant angular velocity. Within the research we develop the algorithm allowing to define the bar deflected mode. The received approximate equations enabled to numerically solve the problem of the bar torsional vibrations. Moreover, we carry out a comparative analysis of the results obtained for exponential and weakly singular kernels of the viscoelastic operator. As a result, we estimate the rotation influence on the bar vibrations

Khudoynazarov K., Abdirashidov A., Burkutboyev . Torsional vibrations of the viscoelastic round bar rotating with the constant angular velocity. Маthematical Modeling and Coтputational Methods, 2016, №1 (9), pp. 38-51