doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2016-2-6984
On the basis of the theory of continuous Markov processes we developed models of the two unit duel fight. We obtained computing formulas for calculating the basic fight indicators. Moreover, we found that the pre-emptive strike of one of the units participating in the fight has a significant impact on the fight outcome of the units which are similar in forces. The strike has a negligible impact, if one of the units has a significant advantage. The findings of the research show that the use of model with constant effective firing rates can lead to significant errors in the evaluation of its results. Finally, we found that the pre-emptive strike, coupled with a high degree of effective firing rate growth, can sometimes compensate for more than the double initial superiority of the opponent. We show the possibility of using approximations of the effective firing rate of the fighting units by the different functions of the fight time.
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