539.3 Mathematical modeling of massive tire stationary rolling on the chassis dynamometer with regard to energy dissipation in rubber

Belkin A. E. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Semenov V. K. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)


doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2016-1-1737

The article examines the problem of mathematical modeling tests of massive tire bench run with the chassis dynamometer. Conducted tests enable to define the characteristics of resistance to the tire rolling. The article contains the main stages of model building. We give a formulation for the contact problem of tire stationary free rolling on the test drum considering the energy dissipation in the rubber during cyclic deformation. We also describe a rubber viscoelastic behavior by the model Bergstrom – Boyce and ascertain its numerical parameters according to the samples tests results. The contact conditions for normal and tangential directions are formulated on basis of the penetration function. For the contact restrictions implementation we use the penalty method and obtain the numerical solution of the three-dimensional viscoelasticity problem by the finite element method. To estimate the adequacy of the built model, we compare the calculation results with the test data received for massive tire on Hasbach test equipment. For this purpose rolling resistance forces under different loads were collated. The pressure distribution in the contact area obtained from calculations and experiments by using XSENSOR Technology Corporation equipment are also juxtaposed.

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Belkin A., Semenov V. Mathematical modeling of massive tire stationary rolling on the chassis dynamometer with regard to energy dissipation in rubber. Маthematical Modeling and Coтputational Methods, 2016, №1 (9), pp. 17-37

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