519.6:621.646.3 Computer simulation of dynamic processes in the hydraulic flow stabilizer and its optimization based on evolutionary algorithm

Ivanov M. Y., Bushuev A. Y. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Shcherbakov N. S. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Resh G. F.


doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2024-3-100119

In various technical systems hydraulic devices are widely used to ensure the synchronous movement of executive bodies — unregulated chokes, flow dividers, regulators and/or flow stabilizers. The latter are characterized by the fact that their functioning occurs in the range of pressure drops of liquid amounting to several hundred atmospheres. The issues related to the numerical simulation of non-stationary physical processes in the flow stabilizer the design of which is protected by a patent of the Russian Federation for the invention are considered. The results of computer modeling based on a theoretical model with concentrated parameters, the use of the finite-difference implicit Geer method for solving a system of rigid differential equations are presented. The problem of optimal improvement of the design of such flow stabilizer in accordance with the selected criterion is formulated and solved. This optimization criterion is to ensure the condition of the minimum possible positive statism of the flow-drop (static) characteristic in conditions of wide change in the pressure drop on the device and the effect of the axial component of the hydrodynamic force. The problem of optimal design improvement was solved using one of the widely used evolutionary optimization algorithms — genetic algorithm with real coding. The results of computational experiments in modeling physical processes of the analysis problem correspond to the available experimental data that were previously obtained by the authors of the work. It is shown that improvement of the existing design of the flow stabilizer is possible — the angle of inclination of the flow-drop characteristic to the horizontal axis has decreased almost twofold. At the same time, it was possible to obtain higher accuracy of maintaining volumetric flow rate of the liquid. This accuracy is on the order of ±7,5 % of the nominal (tuning) value of the flow stabilizer. For comparison, the accuracy of maintaining the volume flow rate of the liquid before performing the optimization procedure was about ±10 %.

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Иванов М.Ю., Бушуев А.Ю., Щербаков Н.С., Реш Г.Ф. Компьютерное моделирование динамических процессов в гидравлическом стабилизаторе расхода и его оптимизация на основе эволюционного алгоритма. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2024, № 3, с. 100-119.

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