doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2023-3-92104
The flow around a point source localized in the lower layer of a two-layer liquid with a free surface is considered. Expressions are obtained for the perturbation of the free surfaceof the liquid associated with the manifestation of an internal wave. The source operating in the liquid is represented as a superposition of point pulse sources. This approach made it possible to find the perturbation of the flow surface as a superposition of perturbations caused by point pulse sources. The approximation used is quite justified in cases of modeling real sources of disturbances located at considerable depths, since such sources cause small disturbances of the sea surface. It is established that the internal waves appearing on the flow surface form a wedge-shaped structure. The angle of the wedge solution of the internal waves coming to the surface decreases with increasing flow velocity. The dependence of the angle of the wave wedge solution on the Froude number determined by the flow velocity and thickness of the upper liquid layer is found. The considered problem is of theoretical and practical interest, since more complex models of real disturbances of the surface of the marine environment during the flow of various inhomogeneities can be constructed as superpositions of model elementary disturbances from point sources.
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Количество скачиваний: 82