doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2022-3-7183
The article describes an agent simulation model of two populations competing for one resource. In the model, it is assumed that an individual dies if its mass-energy becomes non-positive. It is assumed that individuals of each of the populations under consideration can form flocks, this allows populations to increase their competitiveness. In the model, this is formalized through the ability to organize networks connecting individuals of the same species. At the same time, individuals can form only a certain number of connections with neighbors. The concept of "valence" is introduced in the model to describe this. It is assumed that within each network there is an instantaneous redistribution of the resource available to all members of the network by each member of the pack. In addition to the model, the article describes the structure of the program with which simulation experiments were carried out. As a result of the simulation experiments, the following was obtained. If the resource is highly productive, then in the process of competitive interaction, the population wins, the agents of which have a large "valence". And in the case of a low-productive resource, individuals of a population with a lower "valence" win in competitive interaction. This is due to the fact that more complex structures require more energy to maintain the flock.
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Количество скачиваний: 120