539.36 Asymptotic theory of multilayer thinelastic plates with layer slip

Dimitrienko Y. I. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Gubareva E. A. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)


doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2022-2-2862

The problem of development a theory for calculating the stress-strain state of thin multilayer elastic plates, for which linearized slip conditions are specified at the interface between the layers, is considered. The solution of this problem is constructed using an asymptotic analysis of the general equations of the 3-dimensional theory of elasticity with the conditions of non-ideal contact of the layers. The asymptotic analysis is carried out with respect to a small geometric parameter representing the ratio of the plate thickness to its characteristic length. Recurrent formulations of local quasi-one-dimensional problems of the theory of elasticity with slip are obtained. Explicit analytical solutions are obtained for these problems. The derivation of the averaged equations of elastic equilibrium of multilayer plates is presented, taking into account the slippage of the layers. It is shown that due to the effect of slippage of layers, the system of averaged equations of the theory of multilayer plates has an increased - 5th order of derivatives, in contrast to the classical 4th order, which takes place in the theory of Kirchhoff-Love plates. It is shown that the asymptotic theory makes it possible to obtain an explicit analytical expression for all 6 components of the stress tensor in the layers of the plate. As a special case, the problem of calculating the stress-strain state of a 4-layer plate under uniform pressure bending with one slip coefficient is considered. A complete analytical solution of this problem is obtained, including explicit expressions for all non-zero components of the stress tensor. A numerical analysis of the solution of the averaged problem for a composite plate is carried out, in which the layers are unidirectional reinforced fibrous materials oriented at different angles. A comparative analysis of the influence of the fiber reinforcement angles and the slip coefficient of the layers on the displacement of the plate and the distribution of stresses in the layers was carried out. It is shown that the problem of bending a plate with slip admits the existence of a spectrum of critical values of the slip coefficient, when passing through which the displacements and stresses in the layers of the plate change significantly, and these critical values depend on the angle of reinforcement of the composite layers.

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