531.6.011.32:532.582.4 Simulation of the subsonic detachable body with a bottom cut on the current pattern with an equivalent half-infinite surface at small angles of attack

Timofeev V. N. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)


doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2019-4-3149

The subsonic flow of cylindrical bodies with a detachment located in the vicinity of the bottom cut is considered. The current scheme with an equivalent surface, which is accompanied by a half-infinite section is used. Recommendations have been given on the formation of a configuration of such an equivalent semi-infinite surface at non-zero attack angles. The laboriousness of the calculations is reduced by taking into account the specifics of the applied flow pattern and the use of P-shaped vortex threads in the method of discrete vortexes. The results of mathematical modeling of the flow of cylindrical bodies with a revitalized head and a bottom slice at small angles of attack are presented.

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