532.59 Numerical simulation of perturbation of two-layer liquid free surface by a point source localized in the lower layer

Nosov V. N. (Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry, RAS), Savin A. S. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)


doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2019-3-113124

The paper considers a pulse point source in the lower layer of stratified fluid. An expression for the perturbation of its free surface is obtained. It is shown that two waves arise on the surface of the liquid, associated with the presence of a density jump in it. Examples of numerical calculations for real sea conditions are shown. The pulse point source is a model of elementary perturbation of the liquid medium depth, allowing a complete mathematical study in the framework of the approximation of small waves. This approximation is quite justified in cases of simulating real disturbance sources located at considerable depths, since these sources transmit a very weak signal to the sea surface. The main problem in such cases is the isolation of this signal from background noise, such as wind waves. The solution of the problem should be based on the results of mathematical modeling of sea surface disturbances by different sources in the depth of the marine environment. More complex models can be designed by considering real disturbances of the marine environment as some superpositions of model elementary disturbances from point pulse sources. Furthermore, a complete mathematical solution to the problem of a point pulse source gives an idea of the orders of the sea surface disturbance magnitudes, which creates the basis for obtaining various estimates of possible disturbances and therefore is of considerable interest in the development of requirements for sea surface remote sensing equipment.

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