551.555.9 Numerical simulation of 3d stratified fluid flows around circular cylinder

Rozhdestvenskaya T. I. (Institute for Computer Aided Design of the Russian Academy of Sciences)


doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2019-3-8699

The relevance of study of the liquid stratified density, in particular sea water, is very important for science and technology. The results of such research can be used in the study of the sea water flow around underwater vessels and parts of ships submerged in water, in the study of sea currents behind the islands and, consequently, the safety of navigation. In this paper NaCl salt water solution is considered as a stratified liquid. This is the most common liquid in nature (water in the seas and oceans). The flow of a stratified fluid has characteristics other than flow of a homogeneous fluid. When studying the two-dimensional structure of the flow around the obstacle, such phenomena as outstripping disturbance – fluid blocking in front of obstacle and connected internal waves were discovered. Examining the thin structure of the flow with more details, it is possible to identify other features. This paper investigates numerically a three-dimensional flow of stratified liquid around a circular cylinder in a wide range of Reynolds and Froude numbers. It is found that the region occupied by the internal waves extends to a considerable distance up from the front critical point of the cylinder. The finite difference method of Belotserkovsky-Gushchin-Konshin having the second order of accuracy in spatial coordinates is used as a numerical method of research. The method was repeatedly tested and showed good results. It is implemented in stages: at first the approximate velocity values are computed then the pressure is computed based on these values, after that velocities are revised and finally the salinity is calculated. The software package implementing this method is adapted for machines with parallel architecture using MPI technology. Computations were carried out on the supercomputer MVS-1000.

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