doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2018-2-3246
Cylindrical shell, which is under the influence of considerable loads for a long time, can lose the ability to withstand the level of these loads, as its carrying capacity decreases. This is due to the fact that the shell material is subject to the creep phenomenon. As studies [1-3] show, creep is noticeably manifested even at normal temperature and stresses, much lower than the yield point of the shell material. Experimental and theoretical work on the stability of shells show [4-5] that the main reason for reducing the critical load for real shells in comparison with ideal shells is the initial design imperfections. Therefore, it is to be expected that additional deflections that arise as a result of creep deformation have a significant effect on the critical load (bearing capacity) of the shell. A method is proposed for calculating the load-bearing capacity of a cylindrical shell reinforced by a longitudinal (stringers) and a final (frame) power set under the action of axial and transverse loads, as well as internal excess pressure. As an example, a shell is considered, the material of which is an aluminum-magnesium alloy AMg6-M and AMg6-H. The dependence of the bearing capacity on the operating time is obtained.
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Количество скачиваний: 714