539.3 Incompressible layered composites with finite deformations on the basis of the asymptotic averaging method

Dimitrienko Y. I. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Gubareva E. A. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Kolzhanova D. Y. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Karimov S. B. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)


doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2017-1-3254

The article considers the modeling results of incompressible layered composites with finite strains deformation according to the individual layers characteristics. The article proposes an asymptotic averaging method version for layered nonlinearly elastic incompressible composites with finite deformations and periodic structure. We are using a universal representation of the defining relations for incompressible composite layers, proposed by Yu.I. Dimitrienko, which allows us to simulate simultaneously for a complex of various nonlinear elastic media models characterizedby the choice of a pair of energy tensors. We proved that if all composite layers are incompressible, the composite as a whole is also an incompressible, but anisotropic, medium. The article considers the problem of laminated plate uniaxial stretching from incompressible layers with finite deformations. Using the developed method, we calculated the effective deformation diagrams connecting the averaged Piola — Kirchhoff stress tensors components and the strain gradient, as well as the stress distribution in the composite layers.
The developed method for calculating effective deformation diagrams and stresses in composite layers can be used in the design of elastomeric composites with specified properties.

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Dimitrienko Y., Gubareva E., Kolzhanova D., Karimov S. Incompressible layered composites with finite deformations on the basis of the asymptotic averaging method. Маthematical Modeling and Coтputational Methods, 2017, №1 (13), pp. 32-54

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