539.3 Simulation of dynamic stability of a cylindrical shell under cyclic axial impact

Dubrovin V. M. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University), Butina T. A. (Bauman Moscow State Technical University)


doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2016-3-2432

In this article we suggest a method for calculating the dynamic stability of a cylindrical shell with its axial compressive time-varying load, and cyclic axial load, which varies according to a certain law. As an example, we consider the axial load, changing linearly and the cyclic load, which varies according to the harmonic law. To show the cyclic load, we use Ince — Strutt diagram, defining the stable and unstable regions of the shell fluctuations.

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Dubrovin V., Butina T. Simulation of dynamic stability of a cylindrical shell under cyclic axial impact. Маthematical Modeling and Coтputational Methods, 2016, №3 (11), pp. 24-32

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