Dr.Sc. (Engineering)
Leningrad Polytechnic Institute, Faculty of Physics and Mechanics
St.Peterburg State Polytechnical University
Vice-rector for perspective projects of SPbPU
Professor of the Department of Mechanics and Control Processes of SPbPU
Head of the Engineering Center "Center for Computer Engineering" (CompMechLab®)
Member of the editorial board of the journal "Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods in Engineering"
Member of the working group of the Economic Council under the President of Russia in the direction of "Digital Economy"
The leader (co-director) of the working group "Technet" of the National Technological Initiative
Computational Mechanics and Computer Engineering (Computer-Aided Engineering), multi- and transdisciplinary computer and supercomputer technologies for solving industrial problems from various sectors of the economy.
More than 100 publications in various magazines.
H-Index: RISC - 9, Scopus - 8, Web of Science - 7
www: www.spbstu.ru