Zhukovsky Kharkiv Aviation Institute, specialty "Software for Computing Machinery and Automated Systems"
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Head of the department "Information Security" BMSTU
Professor of the Department "Theoretical Informatics and Computer Technologies" MSTU. N.E. Bauman
Leading researcher of the Scientific and Educational Complex "Informatics and Control Systems" MSTU. N.E. Bauman
Member of the editorial board of the journal "Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods in Engineering"
Member of the editorial board of the journal "Foreign radio electronics. Advances in modern radio electronics "
Best teacher of the BMSTU (2013)
Methods of nonlinear dynamics; Methods of artificial intelligence (neural networks); Game-theoretic methods and models in IB; Digital processing of signals and images; Applied Mathematics; computer science; Radiophysics
More than 150 publications in various journals, 5 monographs.
Н-индекс: РИНЦ - 7, Scopus – 5, Web of Science - 5
www: ru.bmstu.wiki