Sobolev Alexander Borisovich

author pic

Academic degrees and titles

Dr.Sc.( (Phys.-Math.)



Kirov Ural Polytechnic Institute, specialty "Experimental nuclear physics"

Principal place of work and position

The first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin Ural Federal University, Department of Higher Mathematics

Head of Department



Scientific and public activities

Member of the editorial board of the journal "Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods in Engineering"


Breastplate "Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation"

Areas of main scientific interests

Mathematical modeling, computer calculations of electronic spectra of various physical systems, information and educational technologies, higher school pedagogy, theory and practice of university management


More than 150 scientific works, 20 inventions, more than 20 methodical instructions and manuals.

Citation indexes

H-index: RISC - 6, Scopus - 4, Web of Science - 7

Contact addresses

www: xn--80abucjiibhv9a.xn--p1ai