Emri Igor

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Academic degrees and titles




University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Mechanical engineering

Principal place of work and position

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Director of the Institute for Sustainable Innovation Technologies (ISIT) (Ljubljana, Slovenia)



Scientific and public activities

Member of the Scientific Committee of the interethnic and interdisciplinary educational program EURHEO Erasmus Mundus

Vice President of the International Engineering Academy

President of the International Rheological Committee

Member of the editorial board of the journal "Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods in Engineering"


Laureate of the Golden Sign (Russia)

Lazan Award (USA)

Order of "Engineering Glory" (Russia)

Areas of main scientific interests

Mechanics of non-stationary materials; Linear and nonlinear viscoelasticity; Influence of temperature, pressure and humidity on the mechanical properties of polymers and composites; Fatigue and mechanics of destruction of polymers and composites; General and rheology of polymers; Processing of polymers, composite production and processing; Behaviors, time-dependent materials on extreme thermomechanical boundary conditions (high rates, high pressures and temperatures); Multifunctional and intelligent materials; Static and dynamic analysis of materials and structures .; Medical equipment. Mechanics of dissipative systems


More than 70 scientific works

Citation indexes

H-index: Scopus - 16, Web of Science - 15

Contact addresses

www: www.researchgate.net