Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers
Keele University, Great Britain
Professor of the chair "School of Computer Science and Mathematics" of Kiel University
Great Britain
Honorary Member of the Institute of Mathematics and Applications
Member of the editorial board of the journal Izvestiya Saratov University. New episode. Series: Mathematics. Mechanics. Computer science"
Member of the editorial board of the journal "Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods in Engineering"
Member of the editorial board of the journal Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids (USA)
Member of the editorial board of the journal "Mechanics of Time Dependent Materials" (Netherlands)
Laureate of the State Prize of Russia
Humboldt Scholarship
Scholarship of the President of Russia for young doctors of science
Applied mathematics and mechanics, including wave propagation, asymptotic methods and multi-scale modeling
More than 110 scientific works, 3 books.
H-index: RISC - 12, Scopus - 16, Web of Science - 16
www: www.keele.ac.uk