Yuriy I. Dimitrienko

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Academic degrees and titles




Lomonosov Moscow State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Principal place of work and position

Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Director of the Scientific and Educational Center "Supercomputer Engineering Modeling and Development of Software Complexes" BMSTU;

Head of the department "Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics" BMSTU



Scientific and public activities

Chief Editor of the journal "Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods in Engineering"

Executive editor of the editorial board of the inter-university series of textbooks "Applied Mathematics and Informatics"


Honored Worker of Higher Professional Education,

Medal 850-year Moscow,

Honorary badge of MSTU named after NE Bauman - "For services to the University",

The highest award of Roskosmos - the "Sign of Tsiolkovsky",

The honorary sign of Rosatom - "The creator of nuclear technology."

Areas of main scientific interests

Mechanics of continuous media, computational mechanics, mechanics and thermomechanics of composites, mathematical modeling in the science of materials, computational gas dynamics, modeling in economics and sociology.


More than 350 publications in various journals, 13 books

Citation indexes

H-index: RISC -20, Scopus -12, Web of Science - 9

Contact addresses

www: fn.bmstu.ru