Rubric: "2.5.16. Aircraft Dynamics, Ballistics, Motion Control (technical sciences)"
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2024-2-8599
In this paper, optimization of the control of the flight of a small spacecraft (spacecraft) on ion engines to the orbit of Venus is considered, taking into account the attraction of the Earth and the time of departure from the geostationary orbit. When solving the problem, the following assumptions were made: the orbits of the planets are circular, lying in the same plane. A detailed consideration of the influence of Venus when approaching the orbit of the planet was not considered. The problem is solved using the Pontryagin maximum principle by numerical targeting method. The spacecraft motion simulation was divided into 3 stages: acceleration of the spacecraft to a speed that allows overcoming the Earth's attraction with the help of short-term operation of the jet engine, optimization of control near the Earth at a distance of the spacecraft to the Earth of no more than 950 000 km and for the main interorbital flight between planets. The algorithm for solving the problem is implemented in the C++ programming language. Optimal control of the angle of action of the thrust vector is obtained. The analysis of the obtained results showed that, while minimizing the time to reach the orbit of Venus, in addition to significantly influencing the efficiency criterion of the longest interorbital section of the flight, the moment of the start (departure from Earth orbit) is fundamentally important.
Мозжорина Т.Ю., Закуражная А.А. Моделирование влияния времени схода с орбиты Земли на оптимальное управление перелетом малоразмерного КА на Венеру. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2024, № 2, с. 88–99.
doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2024-3-8199
The problem of modeling the longitudinal motion of a transport category aircraft and the parametric identification of the aerodynamic characteristics of the longitudinal motion: the components of the dimensionless coefficients of aerodynamic lift and pitching moment are considered. The problem is solved in a class of modular semiempirical dynamic models created by combining theoretical and neural network modeling. The performance and practical significance of the models is confirmed by the results of computational experiments. The development of a neural network model of the longitudinal movement of an aircraft was carried out in Python using the Tensorflow open software library for machine learning and the high-level Keras API as part of Tensorflow.
Крееренко С.С., Крееренко О.Д. Моделирование и параметрическая идентификация аэродинамических характеристик самолета транспортной категории с использованием нейросетей в среде Тensorflow. Математическое моделирование и численные методы, 2024, № 3, с. 81–99.