doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2023-4-7492
Plastic deformations are the basis of such industrial technology as laser thermal hardening or laser pinning (LSP, laser shock peening). In this paper, the possibility of hardening the surface layer of an aluminum sample irradiated by a single femtosecond laser pulse is investigated by the method of classical molecular dynamics. Several initialstates of the film are simulated; three orientations of the crystal lattice are investigated — [1, 0, 0] (the first orientation of the crystal lattice), [1, 1, 0] (the second orientation of the crystal lattice), [1, 1, 1] (the third orientation of the crystal lattice). A numerical study of the effect of various values of the invested energy in the range from 120,98 J/m2 to 2540,01 J/m2 of a laser pulse on the depth of plastic deformations affecting the hardening of the material under study was carried out. The energy values were selected in such a way that the plastic front of the UV (shock wave) stopped before it reached the right boundary of the simulated film. If this condition is not observed, then the dependence cannot be considered correctly constructed, since the stretching wave reflected from the right boundary of the sample will slow down the plastic shock front, acting as an unloading wave. With the help of this dependence, the threshold value of the invested energy is determined, when exceeded, aluminum begins to deform plastically.
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Работа выполнена в рамках госзадания ИАП РАН (Шепелев В.В., Фортова С.В.), госзадания ИТФ им. Л.Д. Ландау РАН (Иногамов Н.А.) и госзадания ОИВТ РАН (Перов Е.А., Долуденко А.Н.).
Количество скачиваний: 120