doi: 10.18698/2309-3684-2017-3-119138
The paper introduces stochastic models explaining real characteristic regularities of coding regions from genomes of various organisms. Due to the growing volume of data on sequenced genomes, there arises a problem of its computer-aided analysis. By using these models, we developed methods for recognizing the structural and statistical properties of genomic DNA sequences, which can be used to find algorithms and computer programs for the automated processing of large amounts of data. The properties of the proposed stochastic coding models are demonstrated in numerical experiments with binary recoded paragraphs of literary works in English and Italian.
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Kutyrkin V.A. ,Chaley M.B.Stochastic coding models and recognition of structural and statistical characteristics of coding sequences.Маthematical Modeling and Computational Methods, 2017, №3 (15), pp. 119–138
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